Historian Presents Susanna Dickinson Little Known Facts
Texas historian Donaly E. Brice, author of The Great Comanche Raid and Cullen Montgomery Baker, Reconstruction Desperado, and The Governor’s Hounds, and a resident of Lockhart, will share some little known facts about his town’s former resident Susanna Dickinson, the only white adult survivor of the Alamo, at the Annual Meeting of the Friends of the O. Henry and Dickinson Museums. Presentation will be followed by “The Ballad of Susanna Dickinson” performed bysongwriter-musician Fletcher Clark. Light refreshments will be served and there will be a brief Friends board meeting after the presentation, which you are welcome to attend. RSVP by February 11, 2014.
Date & Time: Tuesday, February 18, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.