2017 Auction & Used Book Sale
The O. Henry Museum Pun-Off World Championships is one of Austin's oldest "weird" public outdoor events, now celebrating 40 jeers of quick-witted punning, the so-called lowest form of humor.
And its also a fundraiser for Brush Square Museums to collect audience donations to preserve the wonderful historic homes of short story writer O. Henry (William Sydney Porter) and Alamo survivor Susanna Dickinson. The museum doesn't just pass the hat, it passes the Porter Potty Bedpan!
Silent Auction

Take a break from the punning in the backyard to visit the O. Henry Museum's front yard where the silent auction items are displayed as well as table after table of good quality used books.
Our fabulous board volunteers combed Austin to put together one-of-a-kind baskets each containing several fabulous items.
Bring some extra cash so you can be a high-bidder! Its simple, just write your name and offer on the paper next to the item. Silent bidding starts at 11 am and will close around 3 pm.
We want to express our gratitude to the businesses and individuals below who donated wonderful desirable items to support Brush Square Museums Foundation activities.
Emerald Tavern & Games, Cherrywood Coffeehouse,
Vigilante Bar & Games, Austin Wine Merchant,
The Brass Tap Tavern, Dog and Duck,
Sweet Ritual - Vegan Ice Cream, Dragon's Lair,
Micheladas Grill $50 gift card, Slab Barbecue,
The Omelettry, Kona Ice,
Tres Amigos Mexican Grill, The Vortex,
Paramount Theatre, Breakaway Records,
Hilton Austin, Grey Rock Golf Club,
Harvey Penick Golf Campus, Lonnie Alexander,
P F Chang, Billy's on Burnet,
Gilbert and Sullivan Society, mmmpandas,
Esther's Follies, Westbank Library
Rebecca Arellano, El Mercado,
Gone for Good, Opal Divine's,
Thank You!
Book Sale
Board Vice President Janice Gee has organized the year-long book collection for the past three years. Loyal volunteers and board members arrange the books in categories, but browsing the titles on your own is just plain fun. Look for coffee-table-sized books and popular authors at affordable prices. Bring a couple shopping bags as the prices do drop for multiple books after 4 pm.