Pun-Off Auction Highlights
We Thank Our Generous Donors!
We had successful silent and live fundraising auctions Saturday during the Annual O. Henry Pun-Off. Our fabulous board volunteers led by Bert Piboin, combed Austin to put together packages made up from a long list of fabulous items. If you were one of the high-bidders, we thank you too for making the auction a success! We
We want to express our gratitude to the businesses and individuals below who donated these desirable items to support Brush Square Museums Foundation activities.

Here is the complete list of auction donations!
Austin Wine Merchants, 2 Bottles Wine x 2, $60
Austin Civic Orchestra, June 10-11 Passes-2
Billy’s on Burnet, 3 Gift Cards-$20 ea , $60
Cherrywood Coffee House, 3 Gift Cards- $15 ea, $45
Dog & Duck Pub, 2 Gift Cards-$30 ea, $60
Dragon’s Lair, 1 Gift Card-$25 , $25
Driskill Hotel, One night/breakfast-2, $500
Esther’s Follies, Pass for 2-$50, $50
Gilbert & Sullivan Society, June 16-20, Tickets for 2
Grey Rock Golf Club, Round of Golf for 4, $260
Groovy Automotive, 1 Gift Card, $38.95
Harvey Penick (The First Tee), Round of Golf for 4, $96
Hilton Hotel, One Night Stay,
Kona Ice, Kona Chill Pack, $125
JWMarriott Hotel Downtown, One Night Stay, $125
Mary Moody Northern Theatre, 16-17 Passes-2, $160
New Movement Theater, Improv Class/Show Pass, $240
Omelettry, The , Gift Card
Onion Creek Country Club, 1 Hour Golf Lesson, $100
Opal Divines Freehouse , 5 Gift Cards-$20 ea, $100
Starzz Salon, Basket Hair Products
Sullivans Steak House, Food Beverage Wine, $200
Three Forks. Dinner for 2, $100
Tres Amigos Restaurant, 1 Gift Card, $30
Vortex Theater , tickets
Paramount Theater, Randy Newman June 1st tickets –2, $200