Take a Walk on the Dark Side
Inclement weather forced the Brush Square Museums' staff to reschedule the Halloween program planned for the opening of the new exhibit,...
New Exhibit Just Right for Halloween
Michael Hoinski, culture and arts education coordinator for the O. Henry Museum, said the exhibit looks at curious rituals surrounding...
Happy 153rd Birthday, O.Henry!
An unlikely thunderstorm could not spoil the evening at O. Henry’s Birthday Party celebrated at the Brush Square Museums Thursday,...
Pun-Off Results - Gonged for the Win
The May 2015 38th Annual O.Henry Pun-Off World Championships is now history! Multi-medalist Benjamin Ziek of Glendale, California once...
O. Henry Museum Pun-Off World Championships
32 punsters will compete in this year's 38th annual O. Henry Museum Pun-Off World Championships to be held on Brush Square, May 9th,...
Annual Meeting Includes a Lively Panel Discussion
Our program featured a panel discussion moderated by Laura Furman with local writers about setting their new fiction in Texas. We would...
Happy 152nd Birthday O. Henry (William S. Porter)
We had a cake covered in 152 candles ready to light at our, September 11th museum party. The firemen from the next door station doused...
Our Volunteers at the 37th Annual Pun-Off
A hard-working crew of Friends of the O. Henry and Dickinson Museum volunteers made the 37th Annual O. Henry Pun-Off World Championships...
A Great Annual Meeting
We want to thank both our speakers, Donaly Brice and Fletcher Clark for our Annual Meeting presentations. Did you know that Susanna was...
Historian Presents Susanna Dickinson Little Known Facts
Texas historian Donaly E. Brice, author of The Great Comanche Raid and Cullen Montgomery Baker, Reconstruction Desperado, and The...